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It Is Time

Kategori: Allmänt


Christmas eve
wasn´t very active
Darkness outside
my candles
the only light
Sitting all alone
families are laughing
and me
they abanding
Feels like i´m the only lonely soul
I´m the falling foul
They see me as such a fool
If they only knew
I have a beast inside me
Miss evil...The cruel
Laugh at me how much you want
One day you will be my slave, my aspirant
One day I fell out my wings over you
I will call you The Duke d'Anjou
You will serve me
Obey my name
Kill all enemies
In one,red,huge flame
Who will be laughing then?
Who will be looking down on me then?
You piece of shit,you...
god forsaken
My name will be biggest of all time
Just wait..One day
When you hear my chime
Christmas eve
wasn´t very active
Darkness outside
my candles
the only light

Sitting all alone
families are laughing
and me
they abanding

Feels like i´m the only lonely soul
I´m the falling foul

They see me as such a fool
If they only knew
I have a beast inside me
Miss evil...The cruel

Laugh at me how much you want
One day you will be my slave, my aspirant

One day I fell out my wings over you
I will call you The Duke d'Anjou
You will serve me
Obey my name
Kill all enemies
In one,red,huge flame

Who will be laughing then?
Who will be looking down on me then?

You piece of shit,you...
god forsaken

My name will be biggest of all time
Just wait..One day
When you hear my chime



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