do you..
Kategori: Allmänt
do you ever miss me?
do you ever think about our kisses?
do you ever think of our bed times?
Our stories?
Do you ever hear my voice?
do you ever miss my hugs?
Do you ever....
Miss me?
Do you ever think of me as your partner again?
Or is everything gone?
Lost in the universe....
Lost forever?
Why not try to get back our love?
Why not try?
Do you ever....want to?
deep inside...?
i´m so afraid
Not to ever be hold by you
ever again
I´m so scared...
Not to ever be kissed by you
Not to ever be loved by you
Ever again...
But as I said
I´ll be waiting
No mather what
You will never be this loved by noone
I took your heart..
and i will never let it go...
It´s locked inside my hand.
Listening to the radio
our songs...
your songs
Everyday...they play them over and over again.
That´s pain.
I let you go so easy
But i thought and came back
You let me go more easely
and forgot about all your feelings you just had
for me...
so sad...